Athletes Commission Elections
The BVA is forming its Athletes Commission (AC) and will have elections for the AC on February 20th and 21st, via online voting. All BVA athletes are encouraged to register to vote and to participate and select their representatives to the BVA Athletes Commission. Deadline for registration is February 15th, 2021. The AC will be comprised of 1 male and 1 female elected representative by indoor Volleyball athletes and 1 male and 1 female elected representative elected by Beach Volleyball athletes. The BVA Board of Administration (BoA), in consultation with the elected athletes’ representatives, may appoint 1 athlete in each category to the AC. The Athletes Commission shall, from among themselves, elect a president of the commission who will represent them at BVA BoA meetings, representatives to the AFECAVOL athletes commission, and to any other opportunities to represent BVA athletes.
Athletes are the core, focus, and main attraction of any sport. They are the reason there is an administrative organization for the sport. It is imperative that they have representation at the administrative level and that their ideas, concerns, and voices be heard and taken into account in the progress and development of the sport.
Elections will be held via an online platform on February 20th and 21st and athlete voter registration deadline is February 15th, 2021. See the attached documents on voter eligibility and how to register. Any person who wants to be a Candidate for the Athletes Commission can review and fill out the attached candidature form and submit by the deadline of February 14th, 2021.
Should you require further information, please send email to SecGen@BelizeVolleyball.bz or contact 615-6939 or 610-5565.
We encourage athletes to offer themselves as candidates and to register to vote for their representatives on February 20th and 21st, 2021.
Candidates Nomination: Feb 14
Voter Registration: Feb 15
Voting: Feb 20 & 21