Belize officials trained in E-ScoreSheet for Indoor and Beach Volleyball
Friday, August 14, 2020 — Over the past few weeks, Belize volleyball officials and scorers received training in E-ScoreSheet Implementation for indoor and beach volleyball.
At a time when volleyball competitions have been suspended, and activity levels have been reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online training opportunities have been available through the FIVB/NORCECA Regional Volleyball Development Center (CRDV – Centro Regional Desarollo Voleibol NORCECA/FIVB, Republica Dominican) during the months of July and August 2020.
The courses are aimed at technical staff from national federations, international and continental referee candidates, technical competition directors and beach volleyball referees.
The E-ScoreSheet Implementation Course was conducted via Zoom on July 27 and 28, and the E-ScoreSheet Beach Volleyball Course was held on August 5. Participants were required to take tests at the end of the courses.
“This training is important because, going forward, international competitions will be utilizing electronic scoring instead of paper scoring, and only certified personnel will be able to participate in an official capacity, utilizing the electronic platforms. This will make game management more efficient and accurate, and allow for live score reporting. Officials will be able to use tablets connected to the E-ScoreSheet to track rotations, timeouts and substitutions, all in real time.”
– Khalid Encalada, Head of Referees & Officials, Belize Volleyball Association
The cost of each course was US$30 per person. The Belize Volleyball Association covered the cost for Belize’s participants.
Kay-De Vaughn, Bianca Novelo, Isabelle Swasey, Elition Quilter, Anthony Mcfield, Leon Gentle, Erick Moreira and Khalid Encalada participated in the E-ScoreSheet Implementation Course for indoor volleyball. Kay-De Vaughn, Martin Swasey, Javier Rosado and Bruce Coleman participated in the E-ScoreSheet Course for beach volleyball.
Congratulations to all participants for successfully completing these important courses.
Bianca Novelo Erick Moreira Khalid Encalada Kay-De Vaughn Elition Quilter Isabelle Swasey Anthony McField Leon Gentle Javier Rosado Bruce Coleman Martin Swasey